Laboratory & Professor in the College of Chemistry

Researches in the College of Chemistry



In the fourth year, students belong to one of the following laboratories as they conduct their graduation research. If you wish to conduct more specialized research, you can go on to a graduate school after graduation. There are other laboratories in the graduate school. For more information about entrance examinations and other details, please see the website of the Master’s/Doctoral Program in Chemistry, Graduate School of University of Tsukuba.

  • Inorganic Reaction Chemistry

    Synthesis of transition-metal complexes and their reactivity in various redox and catalytic reactions; supramolecular redox chemistry of non-planar and fused porphyrins.

  • Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

    Creation of multi-nuclear metal clusters with controlled structures and electronic states; chemistry of functional metal complexes with controlled electronic states and structures.

  • Analytical Chemistry

    Studies on chemical processes at microdroplet/solution and microparticle/solution interfaces using electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques.

  • Radiochemistry

    Studies of the physical and chemical properties, behaviour and environmental origins of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides. Use of radionuclides to assess environmental dynamics and solve environmental problems. Research on artificial nuclear transmutation, measurements of nuclear reaction cross sections and nuclear reaction mechanisms.

  • Molecular Condensed Matter

    Structure and property of soft molecular systems, and dynamics and phase transitions in them.

  • Spectroscopic Physical Chemistry

    Studies on interfaces and condensed phases by linear and nonlinear molecular spectroscopy; Studies on photofunctions and photochemical properties of newly fabricated molecular assemblies and inorganic particles in mesoscopic scale.

  • Atmospheric Physical Chemistry

    Atmospheric multiphase chemistry, biosurface chemistry, molecular-level inhomogeneity on/in liquid phases, interface chemistry and physics, and development of novel experimental methods.

  • Photoreaction Chemistry

    The aim is to create new urea derivatives in which the fluorescence state is changed by hydrogen bonding. The formation and dissipation processes of fluorescent states involving hydrogen bonding with anions are analyzed kinetically by fluorescence lifetime measurements and the results are fed back to molecular design.

  • Organic Physical Chemistry

    Development of photosensitizers that can decompose nucleic acids in cancer cells with red light and the reaction mechanism analysis. Development of nucleic acid enzymes based on quadruplex nucleic acids. Development of vaccine adjuvants composed of quadruplex nucleic acids.

  • Chemical Computation & Information

    Elucidation of molecular mechanism and molecular design of complex molecular systems based on computational chemistry and information science. Computational research including quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations: development for determining the molecular properties by solvation model and density functional theory.

  • Organoelement Chemistry

    Low-coordination and multiple-bonded compounds of heavier group 14 elements and organoelement chemistry of Group 13-14.

  • Bioorganic Chemistry

    Isolation, structural elucidation, synthesis, and bioorganic studies of bioactive natural products. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel biologically active molecules.

  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry


    Studies on organic synthetic reactions based on metal elements and heteroatoms such as fluorine. Development of methodologies for the construction of unique structures and for the synthesis of valuable compounds.

  • Supramolecular Chemistry

    Precise construction of functional molecules based on supramolecular chemistry, and exploration of their properties such as molecular recognition and selective reaction. Studies on supramolecular metal complexes utilizing organic ligands and metal ions.

  • Medicinal Chemistry

    Drug discovery for controlling sleep/wakefulness, Synthesis of bioactive molecules, Studies of chemoselective reaction useful for drug discovery

  • Structural Biology and Chemistry

    Study of proteins in soft-tissue sarcoma, chromatin remodeling factors and a photosensing flavoprotein. Structural biology and chemistry using single-particle electron microscopy and its development.

Faculty members of the College of Chemistry

Molecular spectroscopy, especially development and application of linaer and nonlinear interface vibrational spectroscopy.
Structural biology and chemistry of proteins and nucleic acids.
Laboratory study for atmospheric physical chemistry.
Drug discovery based on synthetic organic chemistry.
Bioinspired redox chemistry of metal complexes and porphyrins.
Environmental dynamics using stable/radio-isotopes.
Organoelement chemistry utilizing characteristic property of various elements.
Chemistry of microdroplet and liquid/liquid interface.
Creation of functional multi-nuclear metal clusters.
Elucidation of molecular mechanism and molecular design of complex molecular systems based on computational chemistry and information science.
Chemical biology on natural products based on the total synthesis.
Associate Professor
Syntheses and Self-assembly of Functional Metal.
Synthesis and structure of heavier group 14 element compounds.
Photochemical properties of mesoscopic structures.
Rational syntheses of low-dimensional molecule-based magnets and studies on specific physical properties.
Synthesis of reactive organic molecules containing various main group elements.
Metalloprotein functions and structure.
Relaxation process of photo-excitation.
Development of organic synthesis reactions using transition metal elements.
Development of computational schemes for pKa value and redox potential in bio-molecules.
Synthesis, properties and functions of photoresponsive dendrimers.
Study on the fate of radioactive substances in soil.
Physical chemistry of molecular aggregates and inorganic materials.
Reactive chemical heavier group 14 elements.
Assistant Professor
Synthetic study of bioactive natural products and structure-activity relationship.
Biochemical and cell biological study of cancer cells.
Development of functional metal complexes and their application to photocatalytic reaction.
Molecular spectroscopy in condenced matter phases and at interfaces.
Development of functional molecules based on organic chemistry.
Supramolecular metal complexes utilizing organic ligands and metal ions.
Chemical kinetics and dynamics at the gas-liquid interface.
Structural biology for life science.
Development of metal complexes with well-designed Second Coordination Spheres to improve reaction efficiency and selectivity.
Synthesis and utilization of main-group element compounds as ligands.
Synthesis and arrangement of functional multinuclear metal complexes
Development of novel trace analytical method based on physical field.